Monday, October 29, 2007

Floors are sanded- it's time to knit!!

It was a busy weekend at the Wheeler's. We (Rick) sanded the hardwood floors in the final 3 rooms. It is always an adventure when you rent a sander-this one had 3 speeds; off, vibrating and out of control. As Rick swore the machine spun him around-which is no small feat if you know the size of my hubby! Finally it was time to wash down all the woodwork. I thought I would be able to do this in no time flat and started in the study- 3 hours later I almost had the first room finished-then I begged for help. Rick and Ross to the rescue about 3-4 hours later we had the family room and living room finished that left the entry foyer and staircase. Thank God for Pizza Hut- we refueled and finished. The floors got their 1st coat of finish before bedtime. The best part of the day was when we finally sat down to watch a little TV and Rick brought out the beer Patrick brewed. It was a dark beer (export stout) and it was great. It was exactly what I needed- it made me believe that my legs and butt were not as sore as I feared! Where was that beer this morning when I tried to hop out of bed.
So the plans for this evening is dinner out with my brother Jason and his lovely pregnant wife Maria and then home to knit. I am going to knit on my Einstein Coat. I have completed the bottom, right front and 1/2 of the back. I want to have this finished before I leave for Houston on Thursday. So it's knit, knit, knit. I will post some photos soon- I guess it's easy to do?? even for me!! Gina and Molli will be so proud of me.
Also Gina is offering a beaded shawlette class in January at Stitches and Scones. If anyone is interested.

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